3rd International Free Virtual Training
organized by Institute of Quality & Environment Management Services (IQEMS)  in associated with International Social Security Association (ISSA) supported by Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Govt. of Odisha


Time Activity

Welcome address by

Mr. Debabrata Panigrahi, Managing Director, Institute of Quality & Environment Management Services Pvt Ltd

15.35 hrs Address by Guest of Honour

Dr. N. Thirumala Naik, IAS, Labour Commissioner, Director Director of Factories & Boilers. Govt. of Odisha

15.40 hrs Address by Chief Guest

Mr. R.S. Gopalan, IAS, Commissioner-Cum-Secretary, Labour& ESI Department, Govt. of Odisha

15.50 hrs Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel : President of global acting International

Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Construction Industry and Member of ISSA Special Commission on Prevention.

Topic: Vision Zero, a tool box for improving Health and Safety

16.05hrs Mr. Jakob  Kort  :Co-Head  of  digital  transformation  &  corporate

development of BG BAU, Germany.

Topic:Analysis and investigation of accidents and its causes

16.20hrs Dr. Gregor Kemper: Department Hazardous Substances of BG BAU, Germany.

Topic: Digital tools for hazardous substances management

16.35hrs Dr. sc. ETH Mark Fuellemann: DirectorPractice & Experience

GmbH, Switzerland.

Topic: Contractor Safety on Construction Sites: Challenges and Responses

16.50 hrs Dr. Rheinhard Obermaier, President of ISHCCO

Topic: Safety in Design – The role of safety and health Coordinators in Europe

17.05 hrs Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel : President of global acting International

Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Construction Industry and Member of ISSA Special Commission on Prevention, Germany.

Topic: Everybody has a role to play -Knowledge transfer for building materials to achieve Vision Zero

17.20 hrs

Floor opens for Q&A virtually as per organizer selected Questions

shall be answered by the learned Speakers.

17.30 hrs Vote of Thanks by Mr. Niranjan Jena, Dy. Secretary (Nodal Officer),

Labour& ESI Department, Govt. of Odisha